Tag: goodwill


Thrifted Looks: Spring is in the air

Spring is in the air….and boy am I glad!  You know what that means….color, color, and MORE COLOR…..not to say that I didn’t hurry the seasons along in my mind and inject some fun into my Winter palette.   But you know, first let me apologize for the random non-English post that went out yesterday and my brief hiatus in writing. I had to work some final bugs out…but now I’m back with a new camera (well, it’s new to me 😉 and a new site, and certainly hope you enjoy them both.

 I’m really feelin’ the yellow these days…and I’m always up for a good thrift….I go so often and find great stuff that I may not be able to fit sometimes, but I pay it forward and give it to friends.  Believe it or not….they do the same!  I rescued this toggle coat from a friends Goodwill bag…and I think it was a pretty good save.

It can be hit or miss some days….but I think street vendors have a nice variety and generally really unique jewelry to offer.

Whether its a skirt or skinny jeans….flipped up or down, these wedges are a versatile way to polish off any outfit. I’m certainly looking forward to more days in the park….what do you look forward to in the Spring?

Toggle Coat :: Zara Basic
Jeans :: Rainbow
Necklace ::  Street Vendor
Shoes :: Fergalicious