Category: Press-Magazines


My Feature in Instyle Magazine

Hey guys, hope you had a wonderful week — one filled hopefully with love and lots of sweets 🙂  As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, I was super excited to see in print my feature in the March 2013 issue of Instyle Magazine with Rachel Weisz, Michelle Williams, and Mila Kunis on the cover.  Over the Thanksgiving break, I was inspired to fearlessly mix a couple prints and dust off my silver tights after reading this issue.  So…I perused my closet before I left New York,  grabbed my dad while on a visit home, and  we trekked out for some sunny streets for some shots.  I couldn’t be more pleased with how it turned out.  To see the outfits up close…check them out here and here. If you happen to pick it up, please  feel free to Instagram, Facebook, Pin or Tweet me a pic of you with it — would love to see it!  Or if you’d just like to do a drive-by at the newsstand….I’m on page 138 🙂  Hope you like!        xoxo, Brandhyze